Angry Blue Planet is composed of singer, songwriter, and guitarist Jim Love and his son, Daniel Love, an energetic rhythmatist giving his drums the what-for. Though they live in the shadow of Seattle they aren’t recycling the grunge of yesteryear. Instead they create a sonic mixture conjured from eclectic influences spanning multiple genres and timescapes. Jim brings his experience writing and performing in and around the Los Angeles music scene, while Daniel brings his dynamic and expressive drumming to the mix when he’s between classes at university.

The duo generate an intentionally human-feeling sound based on guitar and drums with natural, non-quantized rhythm. Their music is melodic, multi-layered with plentiful hooks and acerbic lyrics that are critical of the world we live in and the wrong-headedness that defines it. They’re sonically warm, rich in tone, complex yet accessible.

The band is produced, mixed, and mastered by Jim and that means there's nobody getting between the band's creative process and their audience. Their music comes straight from their instruments directly to your ears. No middleman. No record label demands. No bullshit.